To implement the Scheduled Castes Sub Plan in a more effective manner in line with the guidelines of the erstwhile Planning Commission of India and the recommendations of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, implementation of ‘Maharashtra Model’ for SCSP (Annexure II ) was approved by the Council of Ministers on 6-3-2003.
The Council of Ministers in its meeting held on 20-1-2014 while reviewing the decision of CMM dated 6.3.2003 regarding implementation of ‘Maharashtra Model’ in the State has taken some policy decisions to implement the SCSP in the State in a more effective manner. A notification in this regard was issued on 10-2-2014 (Annexure III).To implement the revised guidelines dated 18.06.2014 of Planning Commission (now NITI Ayog) regarding SCSP, partial amendment is made vide Notification dated 04-01-2017 (Annexure-III,Amendment) in the notification dated 10-02-2014.
As per notification dated 10.2.2014, the following decisions were taken:-
- The SCSP size will be made proportionate to the percentage of SC population of the State out of the total Annual Plan allocation including the non-budgeted allocation on the pattern of the State Annual Plan.
(a) The SCSP funds will not be divertible. The funds booked under SCSP can only be diverted by a committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary Welfare with one representative each from the finance and the planning department. No diversion of SCSP funds will be made to the general sector.
(b) SCSP funds will be lapsable on the pattern of the State Annual Plan funds. However, the shortfall in the release of SCSP schemes/ components in any financial year shall be kept in consultation with the ADs after a gap of one financial year and this allocation will be over and above the normal allocation under such schemes/ component (amendment vide notification dated 04-01-2017). - The department of welfare will be the nodal department for formulation and monitoring of the implementation of SCSP. In case of schemes exclusively meant for SCs, the implementing departments will formulate the schemes in consultation with the welfare department. However, in case of general plan schemes, the implementing departments will consult the welfare department only regarding the SCSP components of those schemes.
- The concerned implementing departments will be fully responsible for proper implementation of SCSP schemes/ components, audit and reconciliation of accounts for these schemes/components from the Accountant General (Audit), Punjab and replies to the Punjab Vidhan Sabha/Public Accounts Committee and any other function which is required to be performed as a head of the department for implementation of plan schemes including the SCSP schemes/ components.
- The allocation under SCSP schemes/components included in the SCSP budgeted allocation will continue to be booked in the Minor Head-789-“SCP for SCs” below the major/sub-major head under the respective demand of the concerned implementing departments.
a) In case of non beneficiary oriented schemes, a portion equal to SC population (~32%) will be booked under SCSP.
b) In case of irrigation and agriculture departments, where SC beneficiaries are substantially less, only half of the portion equal to SC population (~16%) will be booked under SCSP.
c) The beneficiary oriented schemes will be further put under two categories. One, where the percentage of SCSP is less than portion equal to SC population (<32%) and the other, where the percentage will be equal or more than the portion equal to SC population (≥32%).
d) As per the guidelines of the Planning Commission, the expenditure incurred on the infrastructure created in the villages having 40% or more SC population, can be fully booked under SCSP expenditure. Therefore, under such schemes, 40% allocation will be booked under SCSP.
e) The percentages under SCSP schemes/components will be worked out by the welfare department in consultation with the departments based on historical data and future trend within the overall SCSP component determined on the basis of resources finalised by the Planning Commission, GOI/ Finance Department, Punjab. - The concerned administrative departments will seek the concurrence of the welfare department in accordance with the instructions issued for the clearance of plan schemes by the planning department from time to time regarding the beneficiary oriented SCSP schemes/components, wherein, the direct benefit accrues to the individual or the families belonging to the Scheduled Castes. The identification of beneficiaries oriented schemes/components will be done by the welfare department in consultation with the implementing departments. However, the approval of both the general and Special Component Plan (now SCSP) will be accorded by the Punjab State Planning Board through the usual process being followed for the approval of Five Year/Annual Plans.
- The department of welfare will prepare as many schemes as possible directly benefitting the SC population. The planning department will endeavor to include as many schemes as possible in the Annual Plan with the requisite allocation.
- The department of welfare will enhance/reduce the scheme- wise/component-wise SCSP allocation in consultation with the departments within the revised plan size indicated by the finance department, Punjab at the time of finalisation of revised estimates/supplementary for the Plan Budget.
- The inclusion/deletion of SCSP schemes/components will be done by the welfare department in consultation with the departments within the revised plan size indicated by the finance department, Punjab at the time of finalisation of revised estimates/supplementary for the Plan Budget.
- The prior approval , if required , for any issue relating to formulation of SCSP which is within the purview of the finance department as per Allocation of Business Rules will be obtained.
- The department of welfare, being the nodal department, in case faces any problem in formulation and monitoring the implementation of SCSP, will take necessary action in consultation with the department of planning and the department of finance.